About US

EZGamingNews is your one-stop news source for all the latest video game news, rumors, reviews, and information. We talk about the hottest upcoming games and current games in the industry and give you a chance to win some fantastic prizes. All of our articles have adopted an in-depth approach to ensure that we cover all angles of each topic, including screenshots of game screens and developer interviews.

EZGamingNews started when I was very young, and I began to love games, and then I wanted to learn about the industry. After watching many YouTube videos and websites, I realized that this is a passion that other people share and want to share, so GamesNews was born! I hope you enjoy your time on our website as if we made it for you!
Our editorial team tirelessly brings you the latest news and opinions, from exciting new game releases to the latest PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Switch games. No matter what you are interested in, we can meet your needs!

We are not just another website. EZGamingNews was created with one goal: to send the latest information and opinions about video games directly to your inbox. You will get our best content as soon as it happens before anyone else! There is no spam or the like, and we will not leave any surprises.

Our world-class writers provided our articles with unique insights and ideas about how they think the game should be different from others.


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