Apex Legends prepares for a native version of PS5: its size indicates that the battles will be enormous

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Respawn A hole has been won in the industry and our hearts. The company responsible for such popular games as Titan fall or Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has often shown that he knows the tastes of the players. Do not stay behind Apex Legends, who has managed to captivate a good handful of users on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. Even though the community already had the possibility to play at Xbox Series and PS5 through recompatibility , it seems that developers want to take a real step on Sony's last console.

The native version of PS5 would occupy 80 GB without counting additional updates Apex Legends has appeared as Native version for PS5 in the database of the same console, as indicated by the PlayStation Game Size Specialized In this class of searches. Supposedly, this novelty could bring unique features for PS5 that relate to the benefits of your system or the particularities of your Danseuse command, as the retraction with PS4 only provides graphic improvements .

But there is still more, because the Twitter account has also revealed the alleged size of this version. Prepare a good space for combatants, as they will require some 80 GB of space without counting additional updates. It should be noted that Respawn still has not given any ad in this regard, so it remains to wait for more data about the characteristics of this native version.

Although Apex Legends prepares to give the complete jump to PS5, not everything goes on wheels at the offices of Respawn. Continuing with Battle Royale, at the beginning of December we met the resignation of two key figures in the game. And here are not finished the changes in the structure of the company, since we have little hours we met that one of the creators of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has left the company after being 11 years in it .
