Release date, skills and constellations of the Genshin Impact Yae Miko Banner

Although Yale Mike can not see an official release date Genshin Impact , news and information about the sub-priest in the Inhuman shrines have already come out in droves since the official gesture of their upcoming arrival. With the recent completion of the beta test for patch 2.5, the details of the publication schedule and the characteristics of the character are largely completed. This makes it a good time to take more detailed when exactly you will be playable and what you can put on the table as a character for interested players.

The publication date for Yale Mike's Character Banner

Yale Mike is most likely appearing with the publication of patch 2.5 Gens hint Impact . Although Motors page there was no official announcement when exactly the date will be, it is possible to get a logical assumption. With the only exception, the last year's lantern festival, each character banner in Gen shin Banner extends over a total duration of 3 weeks without overlapping. This can be deduced when your banner goes live when the subsequent patch appears. Although sometimes it can be a few days in between, this day would be at the earliest of the 16th of February.

Yale Mike's skills and constellations

As a result of leaders who have come to the internal data during the beta test, information relating to Yale Mike, such as their rising materials, have already been publicly known. Since some changes to Yale Mike have been made during the test phase, including revisions of their passive and their constellations, it would not be unwise to take another look at their equipment to see what has changed since then.

Yale Mike is an Electron Catalyst user who summons Hatsune ghosts to attack their enemies, with their normal attack up to 3 times in succession. Her storm attack lets you summon flashes and add opponents in front of your AOE electric shades while moving in a straight line. Your diving attack is similar to the other catalyst user. Where she transforms into an energy ball that falls down and enemies that are in closeup, inflicting AOE damage.

Your elemental ability Yak an Evocation: Session Sakura makes it possible to storm a short piece forward while dropping a dead. The totem acts as a kind of lightning conductor, which automatically divides enemies nearby and strikes it with flashes in time-specified intervals. Their elementary skill has a total of three charges.


On the other hand, her great secret art Elemental Burst: Ten Ken shin lets her summon a massive lightning to meet opponents nearby, while at the same time destroying all existing totems on the field. For each dead Totem, in addition to the larger flash, a single strike of a smaller flash follows. What points to it seems that Yale Mike's equipment is about placing totems and then destroying them at the right time with their elementary impact.

Your passive talents and their constellations generally expand their existing equipment and give them more advantages when destroying their totems, or make their totems powerful and more reliable. The following are the descriptions of your passive talents and constellations, courtesy of the database under honey influence:

  • Passive Talent 1: has a 25% chance to obtain 1 regional character talent material (base material except). The rarity is that of the base material.
  • Passive Talent 2: In the work of Great Secret Type: Ten Ken shin, every destroyed Session Sakura sets the cooldown for 1 cargo from Yak an Evocation: Session Sakura.
  • Passive Talent 3: Each point of elementary control, which Yale Mike has, increases the DMG of Session Sakura by 0.15%.
  • Constellation 1: Every time Great Secret Type: Ten Ken shin activates a Ten Thunderbolt, Yale Mike represents 8 elementary energy for itself.
  • Constellation 2: Session Sakura start at its creation to level 2, its maximum level is increased to 4 and its attack range is increased by 60%.
  • Constellation 3: Increases the level of Yak an Evocation: Session Sakura 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Constellation 4: If Session Sakura opponent meets with a flash, the electric DMG bonus of all group members is increased by 20% nearby for 5 seconds.
  • Constellation 5: Increases the Level of Great Secret Type: Ten Ken shin 3. The maximum upgrade level is 15.
  • Constellation 6: The attacks of the Session Sakura ignore 60% of the defender of the opponent.

Gens hint Impact is now available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Android and iOS.
