Game Esport Talk: Homosexuality and Diversity in Esport

The topic of homosexuality is still a difficult in sport. There is no exception to the espport. Hardly any club would like to speak publicly, only a few players go ahead with courage.

Diversity, on the other hand, seems to be better integrated into the young sport, which is in principle open to all. Good services to controller and mouse do not depend on the gender and the community in the network is open and versatile. Nevertheless, even in Efootball, hardly any women are still visible, as good as not yet represented in the professional business. Where do it hook? Why is a Western and actually open society still so hard with these topics?

We want to go to the track today in our escort talk live on Twitch. And not only in FIFA or ESPORT in general, but our host Jan 'Gamingalm' Bergmann wants to look into the entire gaming scene.

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We have invited special guests for this - on the one hand: Sabine Saeidy-Nany from the Game - Association of the German Games Industry E.V. It is not only active in press and public relations, but also responsible for the diversity projects of the Game Association.

On the other hand: Inka McATee. She is CEO of her own gaming development studio and for five months project manager at Amazon University Esports Germany. Esports commentator Marius Lauer completes the guest list. The native Magdeburg comments since 2019 for ESPORTS1.

Our round of Game Esport expert and Columnist Erhan is supplemented. Erano 'Kayman who can report on how diversity and homosexuality are seen in the FIFA scene.

Does not sound exciting enough? Of course you can come as always, we stream live on Twitch and the chat is open to your questions and comments. Be there tonight from 19:30, in the stream or here on Game Esport.

In our channel you will find all the videos!
