Wow: Next top guild connects esport organization

The absolute top guilds in WoW have been more than simply "only" guilds that have raided together. The structures have more and more professionalized throughout the years until the guild Method has eventually dared the step, and has turned into an ESPORT organization. A similar way, other guilds have gone later - for example, the current ones World First Guild Echo.

Other guilds, on the other hand, have already connected existing, large ESPORT organizations. Because even in professional esport you have recognized the potential that is in events like the Race To World First. An example of this is the guild limit, which is only under Complexity Limit and in the meantime under Team Liquid.

From Pieces is SK Pieces

And now follows on the Guild Pieces, which had landed on the third place in the World First Race of the Sanctum **, this trend. As the guild announced by Twitter, Pieces has joined the ESPORT organization SK Gaming and changed the name in SK Pieces.

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SK Gaming is a Esport organization founded in 1997 in Germany, which is represented in titles such as Counter-Strike, League of Legends or Starcraft 2 and celebrated great successes there. To the sponsors of SK Gaming, and now also indirectly from Pieces, include Deutsche Telekom and Mercedes-Benz, but also trademarks such as Nike, Western Digital or Krombacher.

Meanwhile, Pieces is well positioned for the upcoming Race to World First, where you again very ambitious go to the start. At least they have made a lot and grab deep into the bag - including up to 10 million gold per item. Probably also thanks to strong gold syringes from SK Gaming. Do you think this development towards professional organizations instead of simple guilds is good for the Race to World First or Wow (Buy Now) in general? Or do you little of all the professionalization of a "game"?

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