How to get a sandstone marker at Roblox Find The Marcers

Although finding markers may seem just another experience in the style of hunting for garbage, in fact it offers a rather complex map with more than a few complex secrets that need to be found. With its small March 2022 , the Find The Markers update added two more markers to find players, including the one that we will consider in this brief guide, marker of sandstorms .

Search for a sandstone marker in Find the Markers

After you appeared in Find the Markers, head to the deserted area of the card. If you find that you turned around, remember where we found and collected a cowboy marker.

In this desert area there is a large pyramid-climb to the top of this pyramid, jumping or rising on its sides.

As soon as you get to the top of the pyramid, you should notice a transparent staircase hanging in the sky. At first, this staircase may be difficult to notice, so you may have to move the camera until you see it.

Now that you notice the stairs, set your character so that you can jump and grab one of its sides.

When your Robloxian stands on the stairs, press the movement key to rise to its top.

In the end, your character will reach the top of the stairs and will automatically teleport to a random room. In this room you will find a sandstorm marker!

To get this marker and add it to your MarkerDex, just go up to it and touch it. After that, you will get an icon and a pop-up window below!


Looking for more Roblox content? Check out our recent guides about how to get a saline caramel marker in Roblox. Find markers or how to get a landslide marker in Roblox. Find markers here in the game guidelines!
